Intro – Here is Bill Shade with today’s “Moment from God’s Word”.
My father was not a particularly religious man. Oh, he had been brought up in church and had gone through all the rituals that church could offer him. But like most young men his age, he was enamored more with just making a living than knowing God.
At my mother’s prodding, he attended a special set of meetings at mother’s church. An old evangelist was preaching and he took his text from Mark’s Gospel chapter eight. It reads like this; For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul.
My father later told me that he didn’t hear much after that. Those verses echoed in his mind and heart until he cried out to God, “Lord, I am lost and on my way to hell. Please save me.” Well, God answered that prayer.
After that, Dad lived a life of dedication to God and service to His cause. Perhaps we need to ask ourselves that same question; what will it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your own soul? Or what shall are you going to give in exchange for your soul?
Closing – This is Kile Smith. You have been listening to Bible Teacher and author, Dr. Bill Shade, Director of Advanced Studies for Source of Light Ministries International. Our college-recognized, three-year, Bible Institute curriculum is now available online. We invite you to visit us on the Web at – that’s and begin a systematic study of God’s Word today.