Intro – Here is Bill Shade with today’s “Moment from God’s Word”.
In a culture of Fantasy, it is comforting to remember that declaration of Jesus Christ found in His High Priestly prayer to the Father in John 17. He said, Sanctify them through Thy Truth, Thy Word is Truth.
Think about that, Thy Word is Truth. It doesn’t just contain some truth, it embodies Truth. It is Truth.
You want to know about Origins? Thy Word is Truth! Want to know about the future? Thy Word is Truth. Want to be sure about eternity, about heaven, about forgiveness, about anything your heart desires to know? Same Answer: Thy Word is Truth.
Now if God’s Word is Truth, then the most important thing you could possibly occupy yourself with is getting to know God’s Word. That the reason we have put a lifetime of work behind the World Wide Bible Institute program of Study. You need to know God’s Word, and WWBI provides you with a systematic way of studying it.
So let me invite you to go to our website today. Browse around and then enroll in the study of the sacred Scriptures. Why? Because, Thy Word is Truth.
Closing – This is Kile Smith. You have been listening to Bible Teacher and author, Dr. Bill Shade, Director of Advanced Studies for Source of Light Ministries International. Our college-recognized, three-year, Bible Institute curriculum is now available online. We invite you to visit us on the Web at advancedbiblicalstudies.net – that’s advancedbiblicalstudies.net and begin a systematic study of God’s Word today.