World Wide Bible Institutes (WWBI)
For missions, local churches and our new on-line course of study.
WWBI training is a unique concept in the field of Biblical education. It is a full three-year, six-semester training package at Bible college level. It was designed to be used in an organized institutional setting within a mission or local church, but has now been adapted for individual students through the WWBI on-line program (view the WWBIonline program here). WWBI, through either the traditional or online program offers a 135 credit unit program that can train students in the basic skills necessary to equip them for leadership in the New Testament Church. WWBI graduates may also transfer up to 42 credit hours to several recognized accredited colleges. For more information, see Partnering Institutions in the About menu. A full description of the program, the courses available, and the necessary application and cost are found in the WWBI section of the main menu.
Dr. Bill Shade is the Director of Advanced Biblical Studies for SLM and Founder of WWBI. Dr. Shade asserts: Bible Training is the greatest need of the hour and the Advanced Studies program provides the most cost effective and efficient way to accomplish it that has ever been tried.
Click HERE for more information about WWBI.

The Ezra Institute
For individual students or organizations.
The Ezra Institute operates from Source of Light headquarters, and enrolls students individually, assigns them a teacher, and keeps their transcript records.
The Ezra Institute offers a large range of courses to individuals and organizations. Unlike WWBI, The Ezra program offers its courses randomly and there is no specific order in which courses must be taken. A student can take as many or as few courses as they wish. An individual Course Diploma is given as recognition at the end of each course and Advanced Studies Department records the student’s transcript of courses taken, grades achieved, and credit units given for each individual course.
The Ezra courses are also available for other organizations.
The Ezra Institute courses are also sold to approved schools, and the schools handle their own students. Some Bible Institutes and Colleges use these materials to supplement their curriculum.
A full listing of the courses available through The Ezra Institute will be found in The Ezra Institute section of this site.
Click HERE for more information about The Ezra Institute.