Intro – Here is Bill Shade with today’s “Moment from God’s Word”.
Friday of this week is the Annual March for Life that will again fill the streets of our Capitol with thousands of people passionate about preserving the ethic of Life in this culture that is so fond of death. We ought to applaud them and support them, and join them if we can, even though the liberal media will try its best to ignore them.
Abortion is a crime that has become so pervasive, we can’t even get our minds around it.
In 1980 I was speaking to a high school assembly in Philadelphia on the last day of a World Series that the Phillies won against Kansas City. I was supposed to be speaking about Abortion, but as the kids filed in, I knew where their minds were not on what I wanted to talk about.
It just happened I also knew a couple significant statistics, so I asked them to imagine they were looking down on Veteran’s Stadium and to tell me what they saw. One boy immediate called out 59,000 people waiting for the Phillies to win the series – to which everyone shouted and applauded.
I agreed, them I asked them to imagine a terrible tragedy that would wipe out every person seated in those stands. And when they got suddenly very quiet I added, “because that is the number of babies we aborted last year in this state alone.” Something to think about on this anniversary.
Closing – This is Kile Smith. You have been listening to Bible Teacher and author, Dr. Bill Shade, Director of Advanced Studies for Source of Light Ministries International. Our college-recognized, three-year, Bible Institute curriculum is now available online. We invite you to visit us on the Web at advancedbiblicalstudies.net – that’s advancedbiblicalstudies.net and begin a systematic study of God’s Word today.