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A Moment From God’s Word (2017-10-18)

A Moment From God's Word
A Moment From God's Word
A Moment From God's Word (2017-10-18)



Intro – Here is Bill Shade with today’s “Moment from God’s Word”.


What are you spending your life for? If indeed we are eternal, then that question takes on extreme importance.

The goal set by educators and most of the world is that of “self-realization”. Finding out what pleases me, what I’m good at, what brings me the most satisfaction and then go for it. And much of the world operates on that principle. Maybe thoughtful people should ask, How’s that working for you?

I remember years ago reading a news magazine in which a saw a picture of a very palatial and beautiful home, totally engulfed in flames. In the foreground, an older woman is seen collapsing into the arms of two firemen, and the caption reads, “Oh, my God, everything we ever gave our lives for is gone.”

That picture made a profound impression on me – I can see it today as plainly as I could all those years ago. I remember just sitting and staring at it and then I remember crying out to God, “Oh God, forbid that I should spend my life, for something fire can destroy in a moment.”

The old poem says, “Only one life, twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” I’ve made that motto my goal, and the closer I get to the finish line the more I thank God that I have. So – what are you spending your life for?

Closing – This is Kile Smith. You have been listening to Bible Teacher and author, Dr. Bill Shade, Director of Advanced Studies for Source of Light Ministries International. Our college-recognized, three-year, Bible Institute curriculum is now available online. We invite you to visit us on the Web at advancedbiblicalstudies.net – that’s advancedbiblicalstudies.net and begin a systematic study of God’s Word today.