World Wide Bible Institute, or WWBI, is a three-year Bible Institute Curriculum created to be used in a structured school or on-line setting. It is not intended for the person who wishes to merely pick and choose courses from a random selection of offerings. The Ezra Institute program is suited to this need and is explained in another section of this Catalog.
WWBI’s curriculum is one that has been carefully arranged so that it progresses from simple to more complex themes and produces a “building block effect” where each subject builds upon what has been learned in another.
WWBI’s basic learning tool is the Simplified Theological Educational Packet or STEP. Each STEP is bound in book form and constitutes a complete learning unit. Credit is given for courses completed based upon this STEP unit — one Credit Unit per STEP.
WWBI utilizes the very latest techniques in the field of programmed instruction. WWBI’s materials are all produced using the Programmed Instruction Method or PIM. With this approach, small amounts of information are given to the student and then an immediate response is called for in which the student restates in writing the ideas just imparted.
A Review is then used following each section, which requires a second response to that same information. At the end of the STEP, a Pre-Test is constructed so that the student again repeats the information given.
Finally, a STEP-test is administered by an Administrator or a Proctor. This will cause the student to respond a final time to the material. Thus all important information is repeated by the student in written form, a minimum of four times. With this method, students come away with a firm grasp of the material they have studied.