Intro – Here is Bill Shade with today’s “Moment from God’s Word”.
Message – Psalm 119
The second paragraph of Psalm 119 begins with these words, Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word. That verse is very meaningful to me.
I was raised in church and I had memorized a number of verses – some of them just by hearing them read. But I was living far from God. And as a 16 year old boy my life had begun to crumble around me. I vividly remember the night I was walking home from a party – my home lay in a valley and I had to go down a very steep hill, where all the valley lay before me. As I stood an smoked my last cigarette I looked up at the star-filled heavens and thought of one of those verses, Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; Psalm 24:3, 4. I could feel a shudder go over me because I knew I did not have cleans hands, and I most certainly did not have a clean heart. And then this verse from Psalm 119 hit me, Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? But that is all of the verse I knew and I asked that question over and over, until a few months later when God graciously drew me to Himself and I learned it was By taking heed thereto according to thy word.
Closing – This is Kile Smith. You have been listening to Bible Teacher and author, Dr. Bill Shade, Director of Advanced Studies for Source of Light Ministries International. Our college-recognized, three-year, Bible Institute curriculum is now available online. We invite you to visit us on the Web at advancedbiblicalstudies.net – that’s advancedbiblicalstudies.net and begin a systematic study of God’s Word today.